Brownie Package Manager

Brownie allows you to install other projects as packages. Some benefits of packages include:

  • Easily importing and building upon code ideas written by others

  • Reducing duplicated code between projects

  • Writing unit tests that verify interactions between your project and another project

The Brownie package manager is available from the commandline:

$ brownie pm

Installing a Package

Brownie supports package installation from Github.

Installing from Github

The easiest way to install a package is from a Github repository. Brownie considers a Github repository to be a package if meets the following criteria:

  • The repository must have one or more tagged versions.

  • The repository must include a contracts/ folder containing one or more Solidity or Vyper source files.

A repository does not have to implement Brownie in order to function as a package. Many popular projects using frameworks such as Truffle or Embark can be added as Brownie packages.

To install a package from Github you must use a package ID. A package ID is comprised of the name of an organization, a repository, and a version tag. Package IDs are not case sensitive.


It is possible to install from a private Github repository using an API access token like a personal access token. This can be provided to Brownie via the GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable in the form of username:ghp_token_secret. See also


Be careful to avoid exposing your API token in your command history or otherwise, and don’t grant it more permissions than necessary! In this case repo permissions should be sufficient.


To install OpenZeppelin contracts version 3.0.0:

$ brownie pm install OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts@3.0.0

To install AragonOS version 4.0.0:

$ brownie pm install aragon/aragonos@4.0.0

Working with Packages

Viewing Installed Packages

Use brownie pm list to view currently installed packages. After installing all of the examples given above, the output looks something like this:

$ brownie pm list
Brownie - Python development framework for Ethereum

The following packages are currently installed:





Cloning a Package

Use brownie pm clone [path] to copy the contents of a package into another folder. The package will be cloned to the current directory if [path] is omitted. This is useful for exploring the filestructure of a package, or when you wish to build a project on top of an existing package.

To copy the Aragon package to the current folder:

$ brownie pm clone aragon/aragonOS@4.0.0

Using Packages in your Project

Importing Sources from a Package

You can import sources from an installed package in the same way that you would a source within your project. The root path is based on the name of the package and can be obtained via brownie pm list.

For example, to import SafeMath from OpenZeppelin contracts:

import "OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts@3.0.0/contracts/math/SafeMath.sol";

You can modify the import path with the remappings field in your project configuration file. See Remapping Installed Packages for more information.

Using Packages in Tests

The pm fixture provides access to installed packages during testing. It returns a Project object when called with a project ID:

def test_with_compound_token(pm):
    compound = pm('defi.snakecharmers.eth/compound@1.1.0').CToken

See the unit test documentation for more detailed information.

Declaring Project Dependencies

Dependencies are declared by adding a dependencies field to your project configuration file:

    - aragon/aragonOS@4.0.0
    - defi.snakecharmers.eth/compound@1.1.0

Brownie attempts to install any listed dependencies prior to compiling a project. This is useful when your project may be used outside of your local environment.