Utils API

The utils package contains utility classes and methods that are used throughout Brownie.


The color module contains the Color class, used for to apply color and formatting to text before printing.


class brownie.utils.color.Color

The Color class is used to apply color and formatting to text before displaying it to the user. It is primarily used within the console. An instance of Color is available at brownie.utils.color:

>>> from brownie.utils import color
>>> color
<brownie.utils.color.Color object at 0x7fa9ec851ba8>

Color is designed for use in formatted string literals. When called it returns an ANSI escape code for the given color:

>>> color('red')

You can also prefix any color with “bright” or “dark”:

>>> color('bright red')
>>> color('dark red')

Calling it with no values or Converting to a string returns the base color code:

>>> color()
>>> str(color)

Color Methods

classmethod Color.pretty_dict(value, _indent=0) str

Given a dict, returns a colored and formatted string suitable for printing.

  • value: dict to format

  • _indent: used for recursive internal calls, should always be left as 0

classmethod Color.pretty_sequence(value, _indent=0) str

Given a sequence (list, tuple, set), returns a colored and formatted string suitable for printing.

  • value: Sequence to format

  • _indent: used for recursive internal calls, should always be left as 0

classmethod Color.format_tb(exc, filename=None, start=None, stop=None) str

Given a raised Exception, returns a colored and formatted string suitable for printing.

  • exc: An Exception object

  • filename: An optional path as a string. If given, only lines in the traceback related to this filename will be displayed.

  • start: Optional. If given, the displayed traceback not include items prior to this index.

  • stop: Optional. If given, the displayed traceback not include items beyond this index.

classmethod Color.format_syntaxerror(exc) str

Given a raised SyntaxError, returns a colored and formatted string suitable for printing.

  • exc: A SyntaxError object.