Test API

The test package contains classes and methods for running tests and evaluating test coverage.

This functionality is typically accessed via pytest. See Writing Unit Tests.


The fixtures module contains custom fixtures provided by the Brownie Pytest plugin.

Pytest Fixtures


These fixtures are only available when pytest is run from inside a Brownie project folder.

Session Fixtures

These fixtures provide access to objects related to the project being tested.


Session scope. Yields an instantiated Accounts container for the active project.


Session scope. Short form of the accounts fixture.


Session scope. Yields the Contract class, used to interact with contracts outside of the active project.


Session scope. Yields an instantiated TxHistory object for the active project.


Session scope. Yields an instantiated Rpc object.


Session scope. Yields the state_machine method, used to launc rule-based state machine tests.


Session scope. Yields an instantiated Web3 object.

Isolation Fixtures

These fixtures are used to effectively isolate tests. If included on every test within a module, that module may now be skipped via the --update flag when none of the related files have changed since it was last run.


Module scope. When used, this fixture is always applied before any other module-scoped fixtures.

Resets the local environment before starting the first test and again after completing the final test.


Function scope. When used, this fixture is always applied before any other function-scoped fixtures.

Applies the module_isolation fixture, and additionally takes a snapshot prior to running each test which is then reverted to after the test completes. The snapshot is taken immediately after any module-scoped fixtures are applied, and before all function-scoped ones.

Coverage Fixtures

These fixtures alter the behaviour of tests when coverage evaluation is active.


Function scope. Coverage evaluation will not be performed on called contact methods during this test.


Function scope. If coverage evaluation is active, this test will be skipped.


The strategies module contains the strategy method, and related internal methods for generating Hypothesis search strategies.

strategies.strategy(type_str, **kwargs)

Returns a Hypothesis SearchStrategy based on the value of type_str. Depending on the type of strategy, different kwargs are available.

See the Strategies section for information on how to use this method.


The stateful module contains the state_machine method, and related internal classes and methods for performing stateful testing.

stateful.state_machine(state_machine_class, *args, settings=None, **kwargs)

Executes a stateful test.

  • state_machine_class: A state machine class to be used in the test. Be sure to pass the class itself, not an instance of the class.
  • *args: Any arguments given here will be passed to the state machine’s __init__ method.
  • settings: An optional dictionary of Hypothesis settings that will replace the defaults for this test only.

See the Stateful Testing section for information on how to use this method.


The plugin module is the entry point for the Brownie pytest plugin. It contains two pytest hook point methods that are used for setting up the plugin. The majority of the plugin functionality is handled by a plugin manager which is instantiated in the pytest_configure method.


The manager module contains Brownie classes used internally to manage the Brownie pytest plugin.

Plugin Managers

One of these classes is instantiated in the pytest_configure method of brownie.test.plugin. Which is used depends on whether or not pytest-xdist is active.

class manager.base.PytestBrownieBase

Base class that is inherited by all Brownie plugin managers.

class manager.runner.PytestBrownieRunner

Runner plugin manager, used when xdist is not active.

class manager.runner.PytestBrownieXdistRunner

xdist runner plugin manager. Inherits from PytestBrownieRunner.

class manager.master.PytestBrownieMaster

xdist master plugin manager.


The RevertContextManager closely mimics the behaviour of pytest.raises.

class brownie.test.plugin.RevertContextManager(revert_msg=None)

Context manager used to handle VirtualMachineError exceptions. Raises AssertionError if no transaction has reverted when the context closes.

  • revert_msg: Optional. Raises an AssertionError if the transaction does not revert with this error string.

This class is available as brownie.reverts when pytest is active.

import brownie

def test_transfer_reverts(Token, accounts):
    token = accounts[0].deploy(Token, "Test Token", "TST", 18, 1e23)
    with brownie.reverts():
        token.transfer(account[2], 1e24, {'from': accounts[1]})


The output module contains methods for formatting and displaying test output.

Internal Methods

output._save_coverage_report(build, coverage_eval, report_path)

Generates and saves a test coverage report for viewing in the GUI.

  • build: Project Build object
  • coverage_eval: Coverage evaluation dict
  • report_path: Path to save to. If the path is a folder, the report is saved as coverage.json.

Formats and prints a gas profile report. The report is grouped by contracts and functions are sorted by average gas used.

output._print_coverage_totals(build, coverage_eval)

Formats and prints a coverage evaluation report.

  • build: Project Build object
  • coverage_eval: Coverage evaluation dict
output._get_totals(build, coverage_eval)

Generates an aggregated coverage evaluation dict that holds counts and totals for each contract function.

  • build: Project Build object
  • coverage_eval: Coverage evaluation dict


{ "ContractName": {
    "statements": {
        "path/to/file": {
            "ContractName.functionName": (count, total), ..
        }, ..
    "branches" {
        "path/to/file": {
            "ContractName.functionName": (true_count, false_count, total), ..
        }, ..
output._split_by_fn(build, coverage_eval)

Splits a coverage eval dict so that coverage indexes are stored by contract function. The returned dict is no longer compatible with other methods in this module.

  • build: Project Build object
  • coverage_eval: Coverage evaluation dict
  • Original format: {"path/to/file": [index, ..], .. }
  • Returned format: {"path/to/file": { "ContractName.functionName": [index, .. ], .. }
output._get_highlights(build, coverage_eval)

Returns a highlight map formatted for display in the GUI.

  • build: Project Build object
  • coverage_eval: Coverage evaluation dict


    "statements": {
        "ContractName": {"path/to/file": [start, stop, color, msg], .. },
    "branches": {
        "ContractName": {"path/to/file": [start, stop, color, msg], .. },

See Report JSON Format for more info on the return format.


The coverage module is used storing and accessing coverage evaluation data.

Module Methods


Returns all coverage data, active and cached.


Merges and returns all active coverage data as a single dict.


Clears all coverage eval data.

Internal Methods

coverage.add_transaction(txhash, coverage_eval)

Adds coverage eval data.

coverage.add_cached_transaction(txhash, coverage_eval)

Adds coverage data to the cache.

coverage.check_cached(txhash, active=True)

Checks if a transaction hash is present within the cache, and if yes includes it in the active data.


Returns a list of coverage hashes that are currently marked as active.


Clears the active coverage hash list.