The Build Folder

Each project has a build/ folder that contains various data files. If you are integrating a third party tool or hacking on the Brownie source code, it can be valuable to understand how these files are structured.

Compiler Artifacts

Brownie generates compiler artifacts for each contract within a project, which are stored in the build/contracts folder. The structure of these files are as follows:

    'abi': [], // contract ABI
    'allSourcePaths': {}, // map of source ids and the path to the related source file
    'ast': {}, // the AST object
    'bytecode': "0x00", // bytecode object as a hex string, used for deployment
    'bytecodeSha1': "", // hash of bytecode without final metadata
    'compiler': {}, // information about the compiler
    'contractName': "", // name of the contract
    'coverageMap': {}, // map for evaluating unit test coverage
    'deployedBytecode': "0x00", // bytecode as hex string after deployment
    'deployedSourceMap': "", // source mapping of the deployed bytecode
    'dependencies': [], // contracts and libraries that this contract inherits from or is linked to
    'language': "", // source code language (Solidity or Vyper)
    'offset': [], // source code offsets for this contract
    'opcodes': "", // deployed contract opcodes list
    'pcMap': [], // program counter map
    'sha1': "", // hash of the contract source, used to check if a recompile is necessary
    'source': "", // compiled source code as a string
    'sourceMap': "", // source mapping of undeployed bytecode
    'sourcePath': "", // relative path to the contract source code file
    'type': "" // contract, library, interface

The build/interfaces folder contains compiler artifacts generated from project interfaces. These files use a similar structure, but only contain some of the fields listed above.


The allSourcePaths field is used to map <SOURCE_ID> references to their actual paths.

Program Counter Map

Brownie generates an expanded version of the deployed source mapping that it uses for debugging and test coverage evaluation. It is structured as a dictionary of dictionaries, where each key is a program counter as given by debug_traceTransaction.

If a value is false or the type equivalent, the key is not included.

    'pc': {
        'op': "", // opcode string
        'path': "<SOURCE_ID>", // id of the related source code
        'offset': [0, 0], // source code start and stop offsets
        'fn': str, // name of the related method
        'jump': "", // jump instruction as given in the sourceMap (i, o)
        'value': "0x00", // hex string value of the instruction
        'statement': 0, // statement coverage index
        'branch': 0 // branch coverage index

Coverage Map

All compiler artifacts include a coverageMap which is used when evaluating test coverage. It is structured as a nested dictionary in the following format:

    "statements": {
        "<SOURCE_ID>": {
            "ContractName.functionName": {
                "index": [start, stop]  // source offsets
    "branches": {
        "<SOURCE_ID>": {
            "ContractName.functionName": {
                "index": [start, stop, bool]  // source offsets, jump boolean
  • Each statement index exists on a single program counter step. The statement is considered to have executed when the corresponding opcode executes within a transaction.
  • Each branch index is found on two program counters, one of which is always a JUMPI instruction. A transaction must run both opcodes before the branch is considered to have executed. Whether it evaluates true or false depends on if the jump occurs.

See Coverage Map Indexes for more information.

Deployment Artifacts

Each time a contract is deployed to a network where persistence is enabled, Brownie saves a copy of the compiler artifact used for deployment. In this way accurate deployment data is maintained even if the contract’s source code is later modified.

Deployment artifacts are stored at:


When instantiating Contract objects from deployment artifacts, Brownie parses the files in order of creation time. If the contractName field in an artifact gives a name that longer exists within the project, the file is deleted.

Test Results and Coverage Data

The build/test.json file holds information about unit tests and coverage evaluation. It has the following format:

    "contracts": {
        "contractName": "0xff" // Hash of the contract source
    "tests": {
        "tests/path/of/": {
            "coverage": true, // Has coverage eval been performed for this module?
            "isolated": [], // List of contracts deployed when executing this module. Used to determine if the tests must be re-run.
            "results": ".....", // Test results. Follows the same format as pytest's output (.sfex)
            "sha1": "0xff", // Hash of the module
            "txhash": [] // List of transaction hashes generated when running this module.
    // Coverage data for individual transactions
    "tx": {
        "0xff": { // Transaction hash
            "ContractName": {
                // Coverage map indexes (see below)
                "<SOURCE_ID>": [
                    [], // statements
                    [], // branches that did not jump
                    []  // branches that did jump

Coverage Map Indexes

In tracking coverage, Brownie produces a set of coverage map indexes for each transaction. They are represented as lists of lists, each list containing key values that correspond to that contract’s coverage map. As an example, look at the following transaction coverage data:

    "ae6ccafbd0b0c8cf2eb623e390080854755f3fa7": {
        "Token": {
            // Coverage map indexes (see below)
            "<SOURCE_ID>": [
                [1, 3],
            "<SOURCE_ID>": [

Here we see that within the Token contract:

  • Statements 1 and 3 were executed in "contracts/Token.sol", as well as statement 8 in "contracts/SafeMath.sol"
  • In "contracts/Token.sol", there were no branches that were seen and did not jump, branch 5 was seen and did jump
  • In "contracts/SafeMath.sol", branch 11 was seen both jumping and not jumping

To convert these indexes to source offsets, we check the coverage map for Token. For example, here is branch 11:

    "<SOURCE_ID>": {
        "SafeMath.add": {
            "11": [147, 153, true]

From this we know that the branch is within the add function, and that the related source code starts at position 147 and ends at 153. The final boolean indicates whether a jump means the branch evaluated truthfully of falsely - in this case, a jump means it evaluated True.

Installed ethPM Package Data

The build/packages.json file holds information about installed ethPM packages. It has the following format:

    "packages": {
        "package_name": {
            "manifest_uri": "ipfs://",  // ipfs URI of the package manifest
            "registry_address": "",  // ethPM registry address the package was installed from
            "version": ""  // package version string
    "sources": {
        "path/to/ContractFile.sol": {
            "md5": "",  // md5 hash of the source file at installation
            "packages": []  // installed packages that include this source file