Dynamic Fee Transactions

If the network you are interacting with implements EIP-1559, you can use a better fee model when sending transactions. Instead of specifying gas_price, you specify priority_fee and an optional max_fee.

  • priority_fee detrmines maxPriorityFeePerGas, which is tipped to the miner. The recommended priority fee can be read from chain.priority_fee.
  • max_fee determines maxFeePerGas, which includes the base fee, which is the same for all transactions in the block and is burned, and your priority fee. The current base fee can be read from chain.base_fee.

Brownie uses base_fee * 2 + priority_fee as max_fee if you only specify the priority fee.

>>> accounts[0].transfer(accounts[1], priority_fee='2 gwei')
Transaction sent: 0x090755e0b75648d12b1ada31fa5957a07aadcbe8a34b8f9af59098f1890d1063
  Max fee: 4.0 gwei   Priority fee: 2.0 gwei   Gas limit: 30000000   Nonce: 0
  Transaction confirmed   Block: 1   Gas used: 21000 (0.07%)   Gas price: 2.875 gwei

Dynamic fee transactions do not support (and arguably don’t need) gas strategies. The section below only applies to legacy transactions which use gas_price.

Gas Strategies

Gas strategies are objects that dynamically generate a gas price for a transaction. They can also be used to automatically replace pending transactions within the mempool.

Gas strategies come in three basic types:

  • Simple strategies provide a gas price once, but do not replace pending transactions.
  • Block strategies provide an initial price, and optionally replace pending transactions based on the number of blocks that have been mined since the first transaction was broadcast.
  • Time strategies provide an initial price, and optionally replace pending transactions based on the amount of time that has passed since the first transaction was broadcast.

Using a Gas Strategy

To use a gas strategy, first import it from brownie.network.gas.strategies:

>>> from brownie.network.gas.strategies import GasNowStrategy
>>> gas_strategy = GasNowStrategy("fast")

You can then provide the object in the gas_price field when making a transaction:

>>> accounts[0].transfer(accounts[1], "1 ether", gas_price=gas_strategy)

When the strategy replaces a pending transaction, the returned TransactionReceipt object will be for the transaction that confirms.

During non-blocking transactions, all pending transactions are available within the history object. As soon as one transaction confirms, the remaining dropped transactions are removed.

Setting a Default Gas Strategy

You can use network.gas_price to set a gas strategy as the default for all transactions:

>>> from brownie.network import gas_price
>>> gas_price(gas_strategy)

Available Gas Strategies

class brownie.network.gas.strategies.LinearScalingStrategy(initial_gas_price, max_gas_price, increment=1.125, time_duration=30)

Time based scaling strategy for linear gas price increase.

  • initial_gas_price: The initial gas price to use in the first transaction
  • max_gas_price: The maximum gas price to use
  • increment: Multiplier applied to the previous gas price in order to determine the new gas price
  • time_duration: Number of seconds between transactions
>>> from brownie.network.gas.strategies import LinearScalingStrategy
>>> gas_strategy = LinearScalingStrategy("10 gwei", "50 gwei", 1.1)

>>> accounts[0].transfer(accounts[1], "1 ether", gas_price=gas_strategy)
class brownie.network.gas.strategies.ExponentialScalingStrategy(initial_gas_price, max_gas_price, time_duration=30)

Time based scaling strategy for exponential gas price increase.

The gas price for each subsequent transaction is calculated as the previous price multiplied by 1.1 ** n where n is the number of transactions that have been broadcast. In this way the price increase starts gradually and ramps up until confirmation.

  • initial_gas_price: The initial gas price to use in the first transaction
  • max_gas_price: The maximum gas price to use
  • time_duration: Number of seconds between transactions
>>> from brownie.network.gas.strategies import ExponentialScalingStrategy
>>> gas_strategy = ExponentialScalingStrategy("10 gwei", "50 gwei")

>>> accounts[0].transfer(accounts[1], "1 ether", gas_price=gas_strategy)
class brownie.network.gas.strategies.GasNowStrategy(speed="fast")

Simple gas strategy for determing a price using the GasNow API.

  • speed: The gas price to use based on the API call. Options are rapid, fast, standard and slow.
>>> from brownie.network.gas.strategies import GasNowStrategy
>>> gas_strategy = GasNowStrategy("fast")

>>> accounts[0].transfer(accounts[1], "1 ether", gas_price=gas_strategy)
class brownie.network.gas.strategies.GasNowScalingStrategy(initial_speed="standard", max_speed="rapid", increment=1.125, block_duration=2)

Block based scaling gas strategy using the GasNow API.

  • initial_speed: The initial gas price to use when broadcasting the first transaction. Options are rapid, fast, standard and slow.
  • max_speed: The maximum gas price to use when replacing the transaction. Options are rapid, fast, standard and slow.
  • increment: A multiplier applied to the most recently used gas price in order to determine the new gas price. If the incremented value is less than or equal to the current max_speed rate, a new transaction is broadcasted. If the current rate for initial_speed is greater than the incremented rate, it is used instead.
  • block_duration: The number of blocks to wait between broadcasting new transactions.
>>> from brownie.network.gas.strategies import GasNowScalingStrategy
>>> gas_strategy = GasNowScalingStrategy("fast", increment=1.2)

>>> accounts[0].transfer(accounts[1], "1 ether", gas_price=gas_strategy)
class brownie.network.gas.strategies.GethMempoolStrategy(position=500, graphql_endpoint=None, block_duration=2)

Block based scaling gas strategy using Geth’s GraphQL interface.

In order to use this strategy you must be connecting via a Geth node with GraphQL enabled.

The yielded gas price is determined by sorting transactions in the mempool according to gas price, and returning the price of the transaction at position. This is the same technique used by the GasNow API.

  • A position of 200 or less usually places a transaction within the mining block.
  • A position of 500 usually places a transaction within the 2nd pending block.
>>> from brownie.network.gas.strategies import GethMempoolStrategy
>>> gas_strategy = GethMempoolStrategy(200)

>>> accounts[0].transfer(accounts[1], "1 ether", gas_price=gas_strategy)

Building your own Gas Strategy

To implement your own gas strategy you must subclass from one of the gas strategy abstract base classes.