Network API

The network package holds classes for interacting with the Ethereum blockchain. This is the most extensive package within Brownie and contains the majority of the user-facing functionality.

The main module contains methods for conncting to or disconnecting from the network. All of these methods are available directly from

main.connect(network: str = None, launch_rpc: bool = True) → None

Connects to the network. Network settings are retrieved from brownie-config.yaml

  • network: The network to connect to. If None, connects to the default network as specified in the config file.
  • launch_rpc: If True and the configuration for this network includes test_rpc settings, attempts to launch or attach to a local RPC client. See The Local RPC Client for detailed information on the sequence of events in this process.

Calling this method is favored over calling web3.connect and rpc.launch or rpc.attach individually.

>>> from brownie import network
>>> network.connect('development')
main.disconnect(kill_rpc: bool = True) → None

Disconnects from the network.

The Web3 provider is cleared, the active network is set to None and the local RPC client is terminated if it was launched as a child process.

>>> from brownie import network
>>> network.disconnect()
main.is_connected() → bool

Returns True if the Web3 object is connected to the network.

>>> from brownie import network
>>> network.is_connected()
main.show_active() → Optional[str]

Returns the name of the network that is currently active, or None if not connected.

>>> from brownie import network
>>> network.show_active()
main.gas_limit(*args: Tuple[Union[int, str, bool, None]]) → Union[int, bool]

Gets and optionally sets the default gas limit.

  • If no argument is given, the current default is displayed.
  • If an integer value is given, this will be the default gas limit.
  • If set to None, True or False, the gas limit is determined automatically via web3.eth.estimateGas.

Returns False if the gas limit is set automatically, or an int if it is set to a fixed value.

>>> from brownie import network
>>> network.gas_limit()
>>> network.gas_limit(6700000)
>>> network.gas_limit(None)
main.gas_price(*args: Tuple[Union[int, str, bool, None]]) → Union[int, bool]

Gets and optionally sets the default gas price.

  • If an integer value is given, this will be the default gas price.
  • If set to None, True or False, the gas price is determined automatically via web3.eth.getPrice.

Returns False if the gas price is set automatically, or an int if it is set to a fixed value.

>>> from brownie import network
>>> network.gas_price()
>>> network.gas_price(10000000000)
>>> network.gas_price("1.2 gwei")
>>> network.gas_price(False)

The account module holds classes for interacting with Ethereum accounts for which you control the private key.

Classes in this module are not meant to be instantiated directly. The Accounts container is available as accounts (or just a) and will create each Account automatically during initialization. Add more accounts using Accounts.add.



List-like Singleton container that holds all of the available accounts as Account or LocalAccount objects. When printed it will display as a list.

>>> from import accounts
>>> accounts
[<Account object '0x7Ebaa12c5d1EE7fD498b51d4F9278DC45f8D627A'>, <Account object '0x186f79d227f5D819ACAB0C529031036D11E0a000'>, <Account object '0xC53c27492193518FE9eBff00fd3CBEB6c434Cf8b'>, <Account object '0x2929AF7BBCde235035ED72029c81b71935c49e94'>, <Account object '0xb93538FEb07b3B8433BD394594cA3744f7ee2dF1'>, <Account object '0x1E563DBB05A10367c51A751DF61167dE99A4d0A7'>, <Account object '0xa0942deAc0885096D8400D3369dc4a2dde12875b'>, <Account object '0xf427a9eC1d510D77f4cEe4CF352545071387B2e6'>, <Account object '0x2308D528e4930EFB4aF30793A3F17295a0EFa886'>, <Account object '0x2fb37EB570B1eE8Eda736c1BD1E82748Ec3d0Bf1'>]
>>> dir(accounts)
[add, at, clear, load, remove]

Accounts Methods

classmethod Accounts.add(priv_key=None)

Creates a new LocalAccount with private key priv_key, appends it to the container, and returns the new account instance. If no private key is entered, one is randomly generated via os.urandom(8192).

>>> accounts.add()
<Account object '0xb094716BC0E9D3F3Fb42FF928bd76618435FeeAA'>
>>> accounts.add('8fa2fdfb89003176a16b707fc860d0881da0d1d8248af210df12d37860996fb2')
<Account object '0xc1826925377b4103cC92DeeCDF6F96A03142F37a'>

Given an address as a string, returns the corresponding Account or LocalAccount from the container.

<Account object '0xc1826925377b4103cC92DeeCDF6F96A03142F37a'>
classmethod Accounts.clear()

Empties the container.

>>> accounts.clear()
classmethod Accounts.load(filename=None)

Decrypts a keystore file and returns a LocalAccount object.

Brownie will first attempt to find the keystore file as a path relative to the loaded project. If not found, it will look in the brownie/data/accounts folder within the Brownie package.

If filename is None, returns a list of available keystores in brownie/data/accounts.

>>> accounts.load()
>>> accounts.load('my_account')
Enter the password for this account:
<LocalAccount object '0xa9c2DD830DfFE8934fEb0A93BAbcb6e823e1FF05'>
classmethod Accounts.remove(address)

Removes an address from the container. The address may be given as a string or an Account instance.

>>> accounts.remove('0xc1826925377b4103cC92DeeCDF6F96A03142F37a')

Accounts Internal Methods

classmethod Accounts._reset()

Called by rpc._notify_registry when the local chain has been reset. All Account objects are recreated.

classmethod Accounts._revert(height)

Called by rpc._notify_registry when the local chain has been reverted to a block height greater than zero. Adjusts Account object nonce values.



An ethereum address that you control the private key for, and so can send transactions from. Generated automatically from web3.eth.accounts and stored in the Accounts container.

>>> accounts[0]
<Account object '0x7Ebaa12c5d1EE7fD498b51d4F9278DC45f8D627A'>
>>> dir(accounts[0])
[address, balance, deploy, estimate_gas, nonce, transfer]

Account Attributes


The public address of the account. Viewable by printing the class, you do not need to call this attribute directly.

>>> accounts[0].address

The current nonce of the address.

>>> accounts[0].nonce

Account Methods

classmethod Account.balance()

Returns the current balance at the address, in wei.

>>> accounts[0].balance()
>>> accounts[0].balance() == "100 ether"
classmethod Account.deploy(contract, *args, amount=None, gas_limit=None, gas_price=None)

Deploys a contract.

  • contract: A ContractContainer instance of the contract to be deployed.
  • *args: Contract constructor arguments.
  • amount: Amount of ether to send with the transaction. The given value is converted to wei.
  • gas_limit: Gas limit for the transaction. The given value is converted to wei. If none is given, the price is set using eth_estimateGas.
  • gas_price: Gas price for the transaction. The given value is converted to wei. If none is given, the price is set using eth_gasPrice.

Returns a Contract instance upon success. If the transaction reverts or you do not wait for a confirmation, a TransactionReceipt is returned instead.

>>> Token
>>> t = accounts[0].deploy(Token, "Test Token", "TST", 18, "1000 ether")

Transaction sent: 0x2e3cab83342edda14141714ced002e1326ecd8cded4cd0cf14b2f037b690b976
Transaction confirmed - block: 1   gas spent: 594186
Contract deployed at: 0x5419710735c2D6c3e4db8F30EF2d361F70a4b380
<Token Contract object '0x5419710735c2D6c3e4db8F30EF2d361F70a4b380'>
>>> t
<Token Contract object '0x5419710735c2D6c3e4db8F30EF2d361F70a4b380'>
>>> Token
[<Token Contract object '0x5419710735c2D6c3e4db8F30EF2d361F70a4b380'>]
>>> Token[0]
<Token Contract object '0x5419710735c2D6c3e4db8F30EF2d361F70a4b380'>
classmethod Account.estimate_gas(to, amount, data="")

Estimates the gas required to perform a transaction. Raises a VirtualMachineError if the transaction would revert.

The returned value is given as an int denominated in wei.

  • to: Recipient address. Can be an Account instance or string.
  • amount: Amount of ether to send. The given value is converted to wei.
  • data: Transaction data hexstring.
>>> accounts[0].estimate_gas(accounts[1], "1 ether")
classmethod Account.transfer(self, to, amount, gas_limit=None, gas_price=None, data="")

Broadcasts a transaction from this account.

  • to: Recipient address. Can be an Account instance or string.
  • amount: Amount of ether to send. The given value is converted to wei.
  • gas_limit: Gas limit for the transaction. The given value is converted to wei. If none is given, the price is set using eth_estimateGas.
  • gas_price: Gas price for the transaction. The given value is converted to wei. If none is given, the price is set using eth_gasPrice.
  • data: Transaction data hexstring.

Returns a TransactionReceipt instance.

>>> accounts[0].transfer(accounts[1], "1 ether")

Transaction sent: 0x0173aa6938c3a5e50b6dc7b4d38e16dab40811ab4e00e55f3e0d8be8491c7852
Transaction confirmed - block: 1   gas used: 21000 (100.00%)
<Transaction object '0x0173aa6938c3a5e50b6dc7b4d38e16dab40811ab4e00e55f3e0d8be8491c7852'>



Functionally identical to Account. The only difference is that a LocalAccount is one where the private key was directly inputted, and so is not found in web3.eth.accounts.


Resetting the RPC client will delete all LocalAccount objects from the Accounts container.

>>> accounts.add()
<LocalAccount object '0x716E8419F2926d6AcE07442675F476ace972C580'>
>>> accounts[-1]
<LocalAccount object '0x716E8419F2926d6AcE07442675F476ace972C580'>

LocalAccount Attributes


The local account’s public key as a string.

>>> accounts[-1].public_key

The local account’s private key as a string.

>>> accounts[-1].private_key

LocalAccount Methods

classmethod, overwrite=False)

Saves the account’s private key in an encrypto keystore file.

If the filename does not include a folder, the keystore is saved in the brownie/data/accounts folder within the Brownie package.

Returns the absolute path to the keystore file, as a string.

>>> accounts[-1].save('my_account')
Enter the password to encrypt this account with:
>>> accounts[-1].save('~/my_account.json')
Enter the password to encrypt this account with:



Object for interacting with an Ethereum account where you do not control the private key. Can be used to check balances or to send ether to that address.

>>> from import PublicKeyAccount
>>> pub = PublicKeyAccount("0x14b0Ed2a7C4cC60DD8F676AE44D0831d3c9b2a9E")
<PublicKeyAccount object '0x14b0Ed2a7C4cC60DD8F676AE44D0831d3c9b2a9E'>

Along with regular addresses, PublicKeyAccount objects can be instantiated using ENS domain names. The returned object will have the resolved address.

>>> PublicKeyAccount("ens.snakecharmers.eth")
<PublicKeyAccount object '0x808B53bF4D70A24bA5cb720D37A4835621A9df00'>
classmethod PublicKeyAccount.balance()

Returns the current balance at the address, in wei.

>>> pub.balance()

The current nonce of the address.

>>> accounts[0].nonce

The alert module is used to set up notifications and callbacks based on state changes in the blockchain.


Alerts and callbacks are handled by creating instances of the Alert class.

class, args=None, kwargs=None, delay=2, msg=None, callback=None, repeat=False)

An alert object. It is active immediately upon creation of the instance.

  • fn: A callable to check for the state change.
  • args: Arguments to supply to the callable.
  • kwargs: Keyword arguments to supply to the callable.
  • delay: Number of seconds to wait between checking for changes.
  • msg: String to display upon change. The string will have .format(initial_value, new_value) applied before displaying.
  • callback: A callback function to call upon a change in value. It should accept two arguments, the initial value and the new value.
  • repeat: If False, the alert will terminate after the first time it first. if True, it will continue to fire with each change until it is stopped via Alert.stop(). If an int value is given, it will fire a total of n+1 times before terminating.

Alerts are non-blocking, threading is used to monitor changes. Once an alert has finished running it cannot be restarted.

A basic example of an alert, watching for a changed balance:

>>> from import Alert
>>> Alert(accounts[1].balance, msg="Account 1 balance has changed from {} to {}")
< object at 0x7f9fd25d55f8>

[< object at 0x7f9fd25d55f8>]
>>> accounts[2].transfer(accounts[1], "1 ether")

Transaction sent: 0x912d6ac704e7aaac01be159a4a36bbea0dc0646edb205af95b6a7d20945a2fd2
Transaction confirmed - block: 1   gas spent: 21000
<Transaction object '0x912d6ac704e7aaac01be159a4a36bbea0dc0646edb205af95b6a7d20945a2fd2'>
ALERT: Account 1 balance has changed from 100000000000000000000 to 101000000000000000000

This example uses the alert’s callback function to perform a token transfer, and sets a second alert to watch for the transfer:

>>>[3].balance, msg="Account 3 balance has changed from {} to {}")
< object at 0x7fc743e415f8>

>>> def on_receive(old_value, new_value):
...     accounts[2].transfer(accounts[3], new_value-old_value)

>>>[2].balance, callback=on_receive)
< object at 0x7fc743e55cf8>
>>> accounts[1].transfer(accounts[2],"1 ether")

Transaction sent: 0xbd1bade3862f181359f32dac02ffd1d145fdfefc99103ca0e3d28ffc7071a9eb
Transaction confirmed - block: 1   gas spent: 21000
<Transaction object '0xbd1bade3862f181359f32dac02ffd1d145fdfefc99103ca0e3d28ffc7071a9eb'>

Transaction sent: 0x8fcd15e38eed0a5c9d3d807d593b0ea508ba5abc892428eb2e0bb0b8f7dc3083
Transaction confirmed - block: 2   gas spent: 21000
ALERT: Account 3 balance has changed from 100000000000000000000 to 101000000000000000000
classmethod Alert.is_alive()

Returns a boolean indicating if an alert is currently running.

>>> a.is_alive()
classmethod Alert.wait(timeout=None)

Blocks until an alert has completed firing or the timeout value is reached. Similar to Thread.join().

>>> a.wait()
classmethod Alert.stop(wait=True)

Stops the alert.

>>> alert_list =
[< object at 0x7f9fd25d55f8>]
>>> alert_list[0].stop()

Module Methods, args=[], kwargs={}, delay=0.5, msg=None, callback=None, repeat=False)

Alias for creating a new Alert instance.

>>> from brownie import alert
>>>[3].balance, msg="Account 3 balance has changed from {} to {}")
< object at 0x7fc743e415f8>

Returns a list of all currently active alerts.

[< object at 0x7f9fd25d55f8>]

Stops all currently active alerts.

[< object at 0x7f9fd25d55f8>]
>>> alert.stop_all()

The contract module contains classes for deploying and interacting with smart contracts.

When a project is loaded, Brownie automatically creates ContractContainer instances from on the files in the contracts/ folder. New ProjectContract instances are created via methods in the container.

If you wish to interact with a contract outside of a project where only the ABI is available, use the Contract class.

Arguments supplied to calls or transaction methods are converted using the methods outlined in the convert module.


On networks where persistence is enabled, ProjectContract instances will remain between sessions. Use ContractContainer.remove to delete these objects when they are no longer needed. See Interacting with Non-Local Networks for more information.



A list-like container class that holds all ProjectContract instances of the same type, and is used to deploy new instances of that contract.

>>> Token
>>> dir(Token)
[abi, at, bytecode, deploy, remove, signatures, topics, tx]

ContractContainer Attributes


The ABI of the contract.

>>> Token.abi
[{'constant': True, 'inputs': [], 'name': 'name', 'outputs': [{'name': '', 'type': 'string'}], 'payable': False, 'stateMutability': 'view', 'type': 'function'}, {'constant': False, 'inputs': [{'name': '_spender', 'type': 'address'}, {'name': '_value', 'type': 'uint256'}], 'name': 'approve', 'outputs': [{'name': '', 'type': 'bool'}], 'payable': False, 'stateMutability': 'nonpayable', 'type': 'function'}, ... ]

The bytecode of the contract, without any applied constructor arguments.

>>> Token.bytecode
'608060405234801561001057600080fd5b506040516107873803806107878339810160409081528151602080840151928401516060850151928501805190959490940193909291610055916000918701906100d0565b5082516100699060019060208601906100d0565b50600282905560038190553360008181526004602090815 ...

A dictionary of bytes4 signatures for each contract method.

If you have a signature and need to find the method name, use ContractContainer.get_method.

>>> Token.signatures
    'allowance': "0xdd62ed3e",
    'approve': "0x095ea7b3",
    'balanceOf': "0x70a08231",
    'decimals': "0x313ce567",
    'name': "0x06fdde03",
    'symbol': "0x95d89b41",
    'totalSupply': "0x18160ddd",
    'transfer': "0xa9059cbb",
    'transferFrom': "0x23b872dd"
>>> Token.signatures.keys()
dict_keys(['name', 'approve', 'totalSupply', 'transferFrom', 'decimals', 'balanceOf', 'symbol', 'transfer', 'allowance'])
>>> Token.signatures['transfer']

A dictionary of bytes32 topics for each contract event.

>>> Token.topics
    'Approval': "0x8c5be1e5ebec7d5bd14f71427d1e84f3dd0314c0f7b2291e5b200ac8c7c3b925",
    'Transfer': "0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef"
>>> Token.topics.keys()
dict_keys(['Transfer', 'Approval'])
>>> Token.topics['Transfer']

ContractContainer Methods

classmethod ContractContainer.deploy(*args)

Deploys the contract.

  • *args: Contract constructor arguments.

You can optionally include a dictionary of transaction parameters as the final argument. If you omit this or do not specify a 'from' value, the transaction will be sent from the same address that deployed the contract.

If the contract requires a library, the most recently deployed one will be used. If the required library has not been deployed yet an UndeployedLibrary exception is raised.

Returns a ProjectContract object upon success.

In the console if the transaction reverts or you do not wait for a confirmation, a TransactionReceipt is returned instead.

>>> Token
>>> Token.deploy
<ContractConstructor object 'Token.constructor(string,string,uint256,uint256)'>
>>> t = Token.deploy("Test Token", "TST", 18, "1000 ether", {'from': accounts[1]})

Transaction sent: 0x2e3cab83342edda14141714ced002e1326ecd8cded4cd0cf14b2f037b690b976
Transaction confirmed - block: 1   gas spent: 594186
Contract deployed at: 0x5419710735c2D6c3e4db8F30EF2d361F70a4b380
<Token Contract object '0x5419710735c2D6c3e4db8F30EF2d361F70a4b380'>
>>> t
<Token Contract object '0x5419710735c2D6c3e4db8F30EF2d361F70a4b380'>
>>> Token
[<Token Contract object '0x5419710735c2D6c3e4db8F30EF2d361F70a4b380'>]
>>> Token[0]
<Token Contract object '0x5419710735c2D6c3e4db8F30EF2d361F70a4b380'>
classmethod, owner=None)

Returns a ProjectContract instance.

  • address: Address where the contract is deployed. Raises a ValueError if there is no bytecode at the address.
  • owner: Account instance to set as the contract owner. If transactions to the contract do not specify a 'from' value, they will be sent from this account.
>>> Token
[<Token Contract object '0x79447c97b6543F6eFBC91613C655977806CB18b0'>]
<Token Contract object '0x79447c97b6543F6eFBC91613C655977806CB18b0'>
File "brownie/lib/", line 82, in _run
    exec('_result = ' + cmd, self.__dict__, local_)
File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
File "brownie/lib/components/", line 121, in at
    raise ValueError("No contract deployed at {}".format(address))
ValueError: No contract deployed at 0xefb1336a2E6B5dfD83D4f3a8F3D2f85b7bfb61DC
classmethod ContractContainer.get_method(calldata)

Given the call data of a transaction, returns the name of the contract method as a string.

>>> tx = Token[0].transfer(accounts[1], 1000)

Transaction sent: 0xc1fe0c7c8fd08736718aa9106662a635102604ea6db4b63a319e43474de0b420
Token.transfer confirmed - block: 3   gas used: 35985 (26.46%)
<Transaction object '0xc1fe0c7c8fd08736718aa9106662a635102604ea6db4b63a319e43474de0b420'>
>>> tx.input
>>> Token.get_method(tx.input)
classmethod ContractContainer.remove(address)

Removes a contract instance from the container.

>>> Token
[<Token Contract object '0x79447c97b6543F6eFBC91613C655977806CB18b0'>]
>>> Token.remove('0x79447c97b6543F6eFBC91613C655977806CB18b0')
>>> Token

ContractContainer Internal Methods

classmethod ContractContainer._reset()

Called by rpc._notify_registry when the local chain has been reset. All Contract objects are removed from the container and marked as reverted.

classmethod ContractContainer._revert(height)

Called by rpc._notify_registry when the local chain has been reverted to a block height greater than zero. Any Contract objects that no longer exist are removed from the container and marked as reverted.

Contract and ProjectContract

Contract and ProjectContract are both used to call or send transactions to smart contracts.

  • Contract objects are instantiated directly and only require an ABI. They are used for calls to existing contracts that exist outside of a project.
  • ProjectContract objects are created by calls to ContractContainer.deploy. Because they are compiled and deployed directly by Brownie, they provide much greater debugging capability.

These classes have identical APIs.

class, address=None, abi=None, manifest_uri=None, owner=None)

A deployed contract. This class allows you to call or send transactions to the contract.

  • name: The name of the contract.
  • address: Address of the contract. Required unless a manifest_uri is given.
  • abi: ABI of the contract. Required unless a manifest_uri is given.
  • manifest_uri: EthPM registry manifest uri. If given, the ABI (and optionally the contract address) are retrieved from here.
  • owner: An optional Account instance. If given, transactions to the contract are sent broadcasted from this account by default.
>>> from brownie import Contract
>>> Contract('0x79447c97b6543F6eFBC91613C655977806CB18b0', "Token", abi)
<Token Contract object '0x79447c97b6543F6eFBC91613C655977806CB18b0'>

A deployed contract that is part of an active Brownie project. Along with making calls and transactions, this object allows access to Brownie’s full range of debugging and testing capability.

>>> Token[0]
<Token Contract object '0x79447c97b6543F6eFBC91613C655977806CB18b0'>
>>> dir(Token[0])
[abi, allowance, approve, balance, balanceOf, bytecode, decimals, name, signatures, symbol, topics, totalSupply, transfer, transferFrom, tx]

Contract Attributes


The bytecode of the deployed contract, including constructor arguments.

>>> Token[0].bytecode

The TransactionReceipt of the transaction that deployed the contract. If the contract was not deployed during this instance of brownie, it will be None.

>>> Token[0].tx
<Transaction object '0xcede03c7e06d2b4878438b08cd0cf4515942b3ba06b3cfd7019681d18bb8902c'>

Contract Methods

classmethod Contract.balance()

Returns the current balance at the contract address, in wei.

>>> Token[0].balance

Contract Internal Attributes


Boolean. Once set to to True, any attempt to interact with the object raises a ContractNotFound exception. Set as a result of a call to rpc._notify_registry.



Calls a non state-changing contract method without broadcasting a transaction, and returns the result. args must match the required inputs for the method.

The expected inputs are shown in the method’s __repr__ value.

Inputs and return values are formatted via methods in the convert module. Multiple values are returned inside a ReturnValue.

>>> Token[0].allowance
<ContractCall object 'allowance(address,address)'>
>>> Token[0].allowance(accounts[0], accounts[2])

ContractCall Attributes


The contract ABI specific to this method.

>>> Token[0].allowance.abi
    'constant': True,
    'inputs': [{'name': '_owner', 'type': 'address'}, {'name': '_spender', 'type': 'address'}],
    'name': "allowance",
    'outputs': [{'name': '', 'type': 'uint256'}],
    'payable': False,
    'stateMutability': "view",
    'type': "function"

The bytes4 signature of this method.

>>> Token[0].allowance.signature

ContractCall Methods

classmethod ContractCall.transact(*args)

Sends a transaction to the method and returns a TransactionReceipt.

>>> tx = Token[0].allowance.transact(accounts[0], accounts[2])

Transaction sent: 0xc4f3a0addfe1e475c2466f30c750ca7a60450132b07102af610d8d56f170046b
Token.allowance confirmed - block: 2   gas used: 24972 (19.98%)
<Transaction object '0xc4f3a0addfe1e475c2466f30c750ca7a60450132b07102af610d8d56f170046b'>
>>> tx.return_value



Broadcasts a transaction to a potentially state-changing contract method. Returns a TransactionReceipt.

The given args must match the required inputs for the method. The expected inputs are shown in the method’s __repr__ value.

Inputs are formatted via methods in the convert module.

You can optionally include a dictionary of transaction parameters as the final argument. If you omit this or do not specify a 'from' value, the transaction will be sent from the same address that deployed the contract.

>>> Token[0].transfer
<ContractTx object 'transfer(address,uint256)'>
>>> Token[0].transfer(accounts[1], 100000, {'from':accounts[0]})

Transaction sent: 0xac54b49987a77805bf6bdd78fb4211b3dc3d283ff0144c231a905afa75a06db0
Transaction confirmed - block: 2   gas spent: 51049
<Transaction object '0xac54b49987a77805bf6bdd78fb4211b3dc3d283ff0144c231a905afa75a06db0'>

ContractTx Attributes


The contract ABI specific to this method.

>>> Token[0].transfer.abi
    'constant': False,
    'inputs': [{'name': '_to', 'type': 'address'}, {'name': '_value', 'type': 'uint256'}],
    'name': "transfer",
    'outputs': [{'name': '', 'type': 'bool'}],
    'payable': False,
    'stateMutability': "nonpayable",
    'type': "function"

The bytes4 signature of this method.

>>> Token[0].transfer.signature

ContractTx Methods


Calls the contract method without broadcasting a transaction, and returns the result.

Inputs and return values are formatted via methods in the convert module. Multiple values are returned inside a ReturnValue.

>>> Token[0][2], 10000, {'from': accounts[0]})
classmethod ContractTx.encode_input(*args)

Returns a hexstring of ABI calldata that can be used to call the method with the given arguments.

>>> calldata = Token[0].transfer.encode_input(accounts[1], 1000)
>>> accounts[0].transfer(Token[0], 0, data=calldata)

Transaction sent: 0x8dbf15878104571669f9843c18afc40529305ddb842f94522094454dcde22186
Token.transfer confirmed - block: 2   gas used: 50985 (100.00%)
<Transaction object '0x8dbf15878104571669f9843c18afc40529305ddb842f94522094454dcde22186'>
classmethod ContractTx.decode_output(hexstr)

Decodes raw hexstring data returned by this method.

>>>  Token[0].balanceOf.decode_output("0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003635c9adc5dea00000")


class, name, owner)

When a contract uses overloaded function names, the ContractTx or ContractCall objects are stored inside a dict-like OverloadedMethod container.

>>> erc223 = ERC223Token[0]
>>> erc223.transfer
<OverloadedMethod object 'ERC223Token.transfer'>

Individual methods are mapped to keys that correspond to the function input types. Input types can be given as a single comma-seperated string or a tuple of strings. uint and uint256 are equivalent.

>>> erc223.transfer['address,uint']
<ContractTx object 'transfer(address,uint256)'>

>>> erc223.transfer['address', 'uint256', 'uint256']
<ContractTx object 'transfer(address,uint256,uint256)'>

The event module contains classes and methods related to decoding transaction event logs. It is largely a wrapper around eth-event.

Brownie stores encrypted event topics in brownie/data/topics.json. The JSON file is loaded when this module is imported.


class brownie.types.types.EventDict

Hybrid container type that works as a dict and a list. Base class, used to hold all events that are fired in a transaction.

When accessing events inside the object:

  • If the key is given as an integer, events are handled as a list in the order that they fired. An _EventItem is returned for the specific event that fired at the given position.
  • If the key is given as a string, a _EventItem is returned that contains all the events with the given name.
>>> tx
<Transaction object '0xf1806643c21a69fcfa29187ea4d817fb82c880bcd7beee444ef34ea3b207cebe'>
    'CountryModified': [
            'country': 1,
            'limits': (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
            'minrating': 1,
            'permitted': True
            'country': 2,
            'limits': (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
            'minrating': 1,
            'permitted': True
    'MultiSigCallApproved': {
        'callHash': "0x0013ae2e37373648c5161d81ca78d84e599f6207ad689693d6e5938c3ae4031d",
        'caller': "0xf9c1fd2f0452fa1c60b15f29ca3250dfcb1081b9"
        'country': 1,
        'limits': (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
        'minrating': 1,
        'permitted': True
        'country': 2,
        'limits': (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
        'minrating': 1,
        'permitted': True
    'callHash': "0x0013ae2e37373648c5161d81ca78d84e599f6207ad689693d6e5938c3ae4031d",
    'caller': "0xf9c1fd2f0452fa1c60b15f29ca3250dfcb1081b9"
classmethod EventDict.count(name)

Returns the number of events that fired with the given name.

classmethod EventDict.items()

Returns a set-like object providing a view on the object’s items.

classmethod EventDict.keys()

Returns a set-like object providing a view on the object’s keys.

classmethod EventDict.values()

Returns an object providing a view on the object’s values.

Internal Classes and Methods


class brownie.types.types._EventItem

Hybrid container type that works as a dict and a list. Represents one or more events with the same name that were fired in a transaction.

Instances of this class are created by EventDict, it is not intended to be instantiated directly.

When accessing events inside the object:

  • If the key is given as an integer, events are handled as a list in the order that they fired. An _EventItem is returned for the specific event that fired at the given position.
  • If the key is given as a string, _EventItem assumes that you wish to access the first event contained within the object. event['value'] is equivalent to event[0]['value'].

All values within the object are formatted by methods outlined in the convert module.

>>> event =['CountryModified']
<Transaction object '0xf1806643c21a69fcfa29187ea4d817fb82c880bcd7beee444ef34ea3b207cebe'>
>>> event
        'country': 1,
        'limits': (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
        'minrating': 1,
        'permitted': True
        'country': 2,
        'limits': (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
        'minrating': 1,
        'permitted': True
>>> event[0]
    'country': 1,
    'limits': (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
    'minrating': 1,
    'permitted': True
>>> event['country']
>>> event[1]['country']

The name of the event(s) contained within this object.


A tuple giving the absolute position of each event contained within this object.

>>> event.pos
(1, 2)
>>> event[1].pos
>>>[2] == event[1]
classmethod _EventItem.items()

Returns a set-like object providing a view on the items in the first event within this object.

classmethod _EventItem.keys()

Returns a set-like object providing a view on the keys in the first event within this object.

classmethod _EventItem.values()

Returns an object providing a view on the values in the first event within this object.

Internal Methods

Generates encoded topics from the given ABI, merges them with those already known in topics.json, and returns a dictioary in the form of {'Name': "encoded topic hexstring"}.

>>> from import _get_topics
>>> abi = [{'name': 'Approval', 'anonymous': False, 'type': 'event', 'inputs': [{'name': 'owner', 'type': 'address', 'indexed': True}, {'name': 'spender', 'type': 'address', 'indexed': True}, {'name': 'value', 'type': 'uint256', 'indexed': False}]}, {'name': 'Transfer', 'anonymous': False, 'type': 'event', 'inputs': [{'name': 'from', 'type': 'address', 'indexed': True}, {'name': 'to', 'type': 'address', 'indexed': True}, {'name': 'value', 'type': 'uint256', 'indexed': False}]}]
>>> _get_topics(abi)
{'Transfer': '0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef', 'Approval': '0x8c5be1e5ebec7d5bd14f71427d1e84f3dd0314c0f7b2291e5b200ac8c7c3b925'}

Given an array of logs as returned by eth_getLogs or eth_getTransactionReceipt RPC calls, returns an EventDict.

>>> from import _decode_logs
>>> tx = Token[0].transfer(accounts[1], 100)

Transaction sent: 0xfefc3b7d912ed438b312414fb31d94ff757970f4d2e74dd0950d5c58cc23fdb1
Token.transfer confirmed - block: 2   gas used: 50993 (33.77%)
<Transaction object '0xfefc3b7d912ed438b312414fb31d94ff757970f4d2e74dd0950d5c58cc23fdb1'>
>>> e = _decode_logs(tx.logs)
>>> repr(e)
<brownie.types.types.EventDict object at 0x7feed74aebe0>
>>> e
    'Transfer': {
        'from': "0x1ce57af3672a16b1d919aeb095130ab288ca7456",
        'to': "0x2d72c1598537bcf4a4af97668b3a24e68b7d0cc5",
        'value': 100

Given the structLog from a debug_traceTransaction RPC call, returns an EventDict.

>>> from import _decode_trace
>>> tx = Token[0].transfer(accounts[2], 1000, {'from': accounts[3]})

Transaction sent: 0xc6365b065492ea69ad3cbe26039a45a68b2e9ab9d29c2ff7d5d9162970b176cd
Token.transfer confirmed (Insufficient Balance) - block: 2   gas used: 23602 (19.10%)
<Transaction object '0xc6365b065492ea69ad3cbe26039a45a68b2e9ab9d29c2ff7d5d9162970b176cd'>
>>> e = _decode_trace(tx.trace)
>>> repr(e)
<brownie.types.types.EventDict object at 0x7feed74aebe0>
>>> e

The state module contains classes to record transactions and contracts as they occur on the blockchain.



List-like Singleton container that contains TransactionReceipt objects. Whenever a transaction is broadcast, the TransactionReceipt is automatically added.

>>> from import TxHistory
>>> history = TxHistory()
>>> history
>>> dir(history)
[copy, from_sender, of_address, to_receiver]

TxHistory Attributes


A dict that tracks gas cost statistics for contract function calls over time.

>>> history.gas_profile
    'Token.constructor': {
        'avg': 742912,
        'count': 1,
        'high': 742912,
        'low': 742912
    'Token.transfer': {
        'avg': 43535,
        'count': 2,
        'high': 51035,
        'low': 36035

TxHistory Methods

classmethod TxHistory.copy()

Returns a shallow copy of the object as a list.

>>> history
[<Transaction object '0xe803698b0ade1598c594b2c73ad6a656560a4a4292cc7211b53ffda4a1dbfbe8'>]
>>> c = history.copy()
>>> c
[<Transaction object '0xe803698b0ade1598c594b2c73ad6a656560a4a4292cc7211b53ffda4a1dbfbe8'>]
>>> type(c)
<class 'list'>
classmethod TxHistory.from_sender(account)

Returns a list of transactions where the sender is account.

>>> history.from_sender(accounts[1])
[<Transaction object '0xe803698b0ade1598c594b2c73ad6a656560a4a4292cc7211b53ffda4a1dbfbe8'>]
classmethod TxHistory.to_receiver(account)

Returns a list of transactions where the receiver is account.

>>> history.to_receiver(accounts[2])
[<Transaction object '0xe803698b0ade1598c594b2c73ad6a656560a4a4292cc7211b53ffda4a1dbfbe8'>]
classmethod TxHistory.of_address(account)

Returns a list of transactions where account is the sender or receiver.

>>> history.of_address(accounts[1])
[<Transaction object '0xe803698b0ade1598c594b2c73ad6a656560a4a4292cc7211b53ffda4a1dbfbe8'>]

TxHistory Internal Methods

classmethod TxHistory._reset()

Called by rpc._notify_registry when the local chain has been reset. All TransactionReceipt objects are removed from the container.

classmethod TxHistory._revert(height)

Called by rpc._notify_registry when the local chain has been reverted to a block height greater than zero. Any TransactionReceipt objects that no longer exist are removed from the container.

Internal Methods

The internal methods in the state module are primarily used for tracking and adjusting Contract instances whenever the local RPC network is reverted or reset.

Adds a Contract or ProjectContract object to the global contract record.

Given an address, returns the related Contract or ProjectContract object. If none exists, returns None.

This method is used internally by Brownie to locate a ProjectContract when the project it belongs to is unknown.

Removes a Contract or ProjectContract object to the global contract record.

Returns a list of the names of all currently deployed contracts, and of every contract that these contracts are dependent upon.

Used during testing to determine which contracts must change before a test needs to be re-run.

The rpc module contains the Rpc class, which is used to interact with ganache-cli when running a local RPC environment.


Account balances, contract containers and transaction history are automatically modified when the local RPC is terminated, reset or reverted.



Singleton object for interacting with ganache-cli when running a local RPC environment. When using the console or writing tests, an instance of this class is available as rpc.

>>> from brownie import rpc
>>> rpc
<lib.components.eth.Rpc object at 0x7ffb7cbab048>
>>> dir(rpc)
[is_active, kill, launch, mine, reset, revert, sleep, snapshot, time]

Rpc Methods

classmethod Rpc.launch(cmd)

Launches the local RPC client as a subprocess. cmd is the command string requiried to run it.

If the process cannot load successfully, raises brownie.RPCProcessError.

If a provider has been set in Web3 but is unable to connect after launching, raises a brownie.RPCConnectionError.

>>> rpc.launch('ganache-cli')
Launching 'ganache-cli'...
classmethod Rpc.attach(laddr)

Attaches to an already running RPC client.

laddr: Address that the client is listening at. Can be supplied as a string "" or tuple ("", 8545).

Raises a ProcessLookupError if the process cannot be found.

>>> rpc.attach('')
classmethod Rpc.kill(exc=True)

Kills the RPC subprocess. Raises SystemError if exc is True and the RPC is not currently active.

>>> rpc.kill()
Terminating local RPC client...


Brownie registers this method with the atexit module. It is not necessary to explicitly kill Rpc before terminating a script or console session.

classmethod Rpc.reset()

Resets the RPC to the genesis state by loading a snapshot. This is NOT equivalent to calling rpc.kill and then rpc.launch.

>>> rpc.reset()
classmethod Rpc.is_active()

Returns a boolean indicating if the RPC process is currently active.

>>> rpc.is_active()
>>> rpc.launch()
>>> rpc.is_active()
classmethod Rpc.is_child()

Returns a boolean indicating if the RPC process is a child process of Brownie. If the RPC is not currently active, returns False.

>>> rpc.is_child()
classmethod Rpc.evm_version()

Returns the currently active EVM version as a string.

>>> rpc.evm_version()
classmethod Rpc.evm_compatible(version)

Returns a boolean indicating if the given version is compatible with the currently active EVM version.

>>> rpc.evm_compatible('byzantium')
classmethod Rpc.time()

Returns the current epoch time in the RPC as an integer.

>>> rpc.time()
classmethod Rpc.sleep(seconds)

Advances the RPC time. You can only advance the time by whole seconds.

>>> rpc.time()
>>> rpc.sleep(100)
>>> rpc.time()
classmethod Rpc.mine(blocks=1)

Forces new blocks to be mined.

>>> web3.eth.blockNumber
>>> rpc.mine()
Block height at 1
>>> web3.eth.blockNumber
>>> rpc.mine(3)
Block height at 4
>>> web3.eth.blockNumber
classmethod Rpc.snapshot()

Creates a snapshot at the current block height.

>>> rpc.snapshot()
Snapshot taken at block height 4
classmethod Rpc.revert()

Reverts the blockchain to the latest snapshot. Raises ValueError if no snapshot has been taken.

>>> rpc.snapshot()
Snapshot taken at block height 4
>>> accounts[0].balance()
>>> accounts[0].transfer(accounts[1], "10 ether")

Transaction sent: 0xd5d3b40eb298dfc48721807935eda48d03916a3f48b51f20bcded372113e1dca
Transaction confirmed - block: 5   gas used: 21000 (100.00%)
<Transaction object '0xd5d3b40eb298dfc48721807935eda48d03916a3f48b51f20bcded372113e1dca'>
>>> accounts[0].balance()
>>> rpc.revert()
Block height reverted to 4
>>> accounts[0].balance()

Rpc Internal Methods

classmethod Rpc._internal_snap()

Takes an internal snapshot at the current block height.

classmethod Rpc._internal_revert()

Reverts to the most recently taken internal snapshot.


When calling this method, you must ensure that the user has not had a chance to take their own snapshot since _internal_snap was called.

Internal Methods


Registers an object to be called whenever the local RPC is reset or reverted. Objects that register must include _revert and _reset methods in order to receive these callbacks.


Calls each registered object’s _revert or _reset method after the local state has been reverted.

The transaction module contains the TransactionReceipt class and related internal methods.



An instance of this class is returned whenever a transaction is broadcasted. When printed in the console, the transaction hash will appear yellow if the transaction is still pending or red if the transaction caused the EVM to revert.

Many of the attributes return None while the transaction is still pending.

>>> tx = Token[0].transfer
<ContractTx object 'transfer(address,uint256)'>
>>> Token[0].transfer(accounts[1], 100000, {'from':accounts[0]})

Transaction sent: 0xac54b49987a77805bf6bdd78fb4211b3dc3d283ff0144c231a905afa75a06db0
Transaction confirmed - block: 2   gas spent: 51049
<Transaction object '0xac54b49987a77805bf6bdd78fb4211b3dc3d283ff0144c231a905afa75a06db0'>
>>> tx
<Transaction object '0xac54b49987a77805bf6bdd78fb4211b3dc3d283ff0144c231a905afa75a06db0'>
>>> dir(tx)
[block_number, call_trace, contract_address, contract_name, error, events, fn_name, gas_limit, gas_price, gas_used, info, input, logs, nonce, receiver, sender, status, txid, txindex, value]

TransactionReceipt Attributes


The block height at which the transaction confirmed.

>>> tx
<Transaction object '0xac54b49987a77805bf6bdd78fb4211b3dc3d283ff0144c231a905afa75a06db0'>
>>> tx.block_number

The address of the contract deployed as a result of this transaction, if any.

>>> tx
<Transaction object '0xac54b49987a77805bf6bdd78fb4211b3dc3d283ff0144c231a905afa75a06db0'>
>>> tx.contract_address

The name of the contract that was called or deployed in this transaction.

>>> tx
<Transaction object '0xcdd07c6235bf093e1f30ac393d844550362ebb9b314b7029667538bfaf849749'>
>>> tx.contract_name

An EventDict of decoded event logs for this transaction.


If you are connected to an RPC client that allows for debug_traceTransaction, event data is still available when the transaction reverts.

>>> tx
<Transaction object '0xac54b49987a77805bf6bdd78fb4211b3dc3d283ff0144c231a905afa75a06db0'>
    'Transfer': {
        'from': "0x94dd96c7e6012c927537cd789c48c42a1d1f790d",
        'to': "0xc45272e89a23d1a15a24041bce7bc295e79f2d13",
        'value': 100000

The name of the function called by the transaction.

>>> tx
<Transaction object '0xac54b49987a77805bf6bdd78fb4211b3dc3d283ff0144c231a905afa75a06db0'>
>>> tx.fn_name

The gas limit of the transaction, in wei as an int.

>>> tx
<Transaction object '0xac54b49987a77805bf6bdd78fb4211b3dc3d283ff0144c231a905afa75a06db0'>
>>> tx.gas_limit

The gas price of the transaction, in wei as an int.

>>> tx
<Transaction object '0xac54b49987a77805bf6bdd78fb4211b3dc3d283ff0144c231a905afa75a06db0'>
>>> tx.gas_price

The amount of gas consumed by the transaction, in wei as an int.

>>> tx
<Transaction object '0xac54b49987a77805bf6bdd78fb4211b3dc3d283ff0144c231a905afa75a06db0'>
>>> tx.gas_used

The complete calldata of the transaction as a hexstring.

>>> tx
<Transaction object '0xac54b49987a77805bf6bdd78fb4211b3dc3d283ff0144c231a905afa75a06db0'>
>>> tx.input

The raw event logs for the transaction. Not available if the transaction reverts.

>>> tx
<Transaction object '0xac54b49987a77805bf6bdd78fb4211b3dc3d283ff0144c231a905afa75a06db0'>
>>> tx.logs
[AttributeDict({'logIndex': 0, 'transactionIndex': 0, 'transactionHash': HexBytes('0xa8afb59a850adff32548c65041ec253eb64e1154042b2e01e2cd8cddb02eb94f'), 'blockHash': HexBytes('0x0b93b4cf230c9ef92b990de9cd62611447d83d396f1b13204d26d28bd949543a'), 'blockNumber': 6, 'address': '0x79447c97b6543F6eFBC91613C655977806CB18b0', 'data': '0x0000000000000000000000006b5132740b834674c3277aafa2c27898cbe740f600000000000000000000000031d504908351d2d87f3d6111f491f0b52757b592000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000a', 'topics': [HexBytes('0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef')], 'type': 'mined'})]

Boolean indicating if this transaction resuled in any state changes on the blockchain.

>>> tx
<Transaction object '0xac54b49987a77805bf6bdd78fb4211b3dc3d283ff0144c231a905afa75a06db0'>
>>> tx.modified_state

The nonce of the transaction.

>>> tx
<Transaction object '0xac54b49987a77805bf6bdd78fb4211b3dc3d283ff0144c231a905afa75a06db0'>
>>> tx.nonce

The address the transaction was sent to, as a string.

>>> tx
<Transaction object '0xac54b49987a77805bf6bdd78fb4211b3dc3d283ff0144c231a905afa75a06db0'>
>>> tx.receiver

The error string returned when a transaction causes the EVM to revert, if any.

>>> tx
<Transaction object '0xac54b49987a77805bf6bdd78fb4211b3dc3d283ff0144c231a905afa75a06db0'>
>>> tx.revert_msg

The value returned from the called function, if any. Only available if the RPC client allows debug_traceTransaction.

If more then one value is returned, they are stored in a ReturnValue.

>>> tx
<Transaction object '0xac54b49987a77805bf6bdd78fb4211b3dc3d283ff0144c231a905afa75a06db0'>
>>> tx.return_value

The address the transaction was sent from. Where possible, this will be an Account instance instead of a string.

>>> tx
<Transaction object '0xac54b49987a77805bf6bdd78fb4211b3dc3d283ff0144c231a905afa75a06db0'>
>>> tx.sender
<Account object '0x6B5132740b834674C3277aAfa2C27898CbE740f6'>

The status of the transaction: -1 for pending, 0 for failed, 1 for success.

>>> tx
<Transaction object '0xac54b49987a77805bf6bdd78fb4211b3dc3d283ff0144c231a905afa75a06db0'>
>>> tx.status

An expanded transaction trace structLog, returned from the debug_traceTransaction RPC endpoint. If you are using Infura this attribute is not available.

Along with the standard data, the structLog also contains the following additional information:

  • address: The address of the contract that executed this opcode
  • contractName: The name of the contract
  • fn: The name of the function
  • jumpDepth: The number of jumps made since entering this contract. The initial function has a value of 1.
  • source: The path and offset of the source code associated with this opcode.
>>> tx
<Transaction object '0xac54b49987a77805bf6bdd78fb4211b3dc3d283ff0144c231a905afa75a06db0'>
>>> len(tx.trace)
>>> tx.trace[0]
    'address': "0x79447c97b6543F6eFBC91613C655977806CB18b0",
    'contractName': "Token",
    'depth': 0,
    'error': "",
    'fn': "Token.transfer",
    'gas': 128049,
    'gasCost': 22872,
    'jumpDepth': 1,
    'memory': [],
    'op': "PUSH1",
    'pc': 0,
    'source': {
        'filename': "contracts/Token.sol",
        'offset': [53, 2053]
    'stack': [],
    'storage': {

The transaction hash.

>>> tx
<Transaction object '0xac54b49987a77805bf6bdd78fb4211b3dc3d283ff0144c231a905afa75a06db0'>
>>> tx.txid

The integer of the transaction’s index position in the block.

>>> tx
<Transaction object '0xac54b49987a77805bf6bdd78fb4211b3dc3d283ff0144c231a905afa75a06db0'>
>>> tx.txindex

The value of the transaction, in wei.

>>> tx
<Transaction object '0xac54b49987a77805bf6bdd78fb4211b3dc3d283ff0144c231a905afa75a06db0'>
>>> tx.value

TransactionReceipt Methods


Displays verbose information about the transaction, including event logs and the error string if a transaction reverts.

>>> tx = accounts[0].transfer(accounts[1], 100)
<Transaction object '0x2facf2d1d2fdfa10956b7beb89cedbbe1ba9f4a2f0592f8a949d6c0318ec8f66'>

Transaction was Mined
Tx Hash: 0x2facf2d1d2fdfa10956b7beb89cedbbe1ba9f4a2f0592f8a949d6c0318ec8f66
From: 0x5fe657e72E76E7ACf73EBa6FA07ecB40b7312d80
To: 0x5814fC82d51732c412617Dfaecb9c05e3B823253
Value: 100
Block: 1
Gas Used: 21000

   Events In This Transaction
      from: 0x5fe657e72E76E7ACf73EBa6FA07ecB40b7312d80
      to: 0x31d504908351d2d87f3d6111f491f0b52757b592
      value: 100
classmethod TransactionReceipt.call_trace()

Returns the sequence of contracts and functions called while executing this transaction, and the step indexes where each new method is entered and exitted. Any functions that terminated with REVERT or INVALID opcodes are highlighted in red.

>>> tx = Token[0].transferFrom(accounts[2], accounts[3], "10000 ether")

Transaction sent: 0x0d96e8ceb555616fca79dd9d07971a9148295777bb767f9aa5b34ede483c9753
Token.transferFrom confirmed (reverted) - block: 4   gas used: 25425 (26.42%)

>>> tx.call_trace()
Call trace for '0x0d96e8ceb555616fca79dd9d07971a9148295777bb767f9aa5b34ede483c9753':
Token.transfer 0:244  (0x4A32104371b05837F2A36dF6D850FA33A92a178D)
└─Token.transfer 72:226
  ├─SafeMath.sub 100:114
  └─SafeMath.add 149:165
classmethod TransactionReceipt.traceback()

Returns an error traceback for the transaction, similar to a regular python traceback. If the transaction did not revert, returns an empty string.

>>> tx = >>> Token[0].transfer(accounts[1], "100000 ether")

Transaction sent: 0x9542e92a904e9d345def311ea52f22c3191816c6feaf7286f9b48081ab255ffa
Token.transfer confirmed (reverted) - block: 5   gas used: 23956 (100.00%)
<Transaction object '0x9542e92a904e9d345def311ea52f22c3191816c6feaf7286f9b48081ab255ffa'>

>>> tx.traceback()
Traceback for '0x9542e92a904e9d345def311ea52f22c3191816c6feaf7286f9b48081ab255ffa':
Trace step 99, program counter 1699:
  File "contracts/Token.sol", line 67, in Token.transfer:
    balances[msg.sender] = balances[msg.sender].sub(_value);
Trace step 110, program counter 1909:
  File "contracts/SafeMath.sol", line 9, in SafeMath.sub:
    require(b <= a);
classmethod TransactionReceipt.error(pad=3)

Displays the source code that caused the first revert in the transaction, if any.

  • pad: Number of unrelated liness of code to include before and after the relevant source
>>> tx
<Transaction object '0xac54b49987a77805bf6bdd78fb4211b3dc3d283ff0144c231a905afa75a06db0'>
>>> tx.error()
Source code for trace step 86:
  File "contracts/SafeMath.sol", line 9, in SafeMath.sub:

        c = a + b;
        require(c >= a);
    function sub(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (uint c) {
        require(b <= a);
        c = a - b;
    function mul(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (uint c) {
        c = a * b;
classmethod TransactionReceipt.source(idx, pad=3)

Displays the associated source code for a given stack trace step.

  • idx: Stack trace step index
  • pad: Number of unrelated liness of code to include before and after the relevant source
>>> tx
<Transaction object '0xac54b49987a77805bf6bdd78fb4211b3dc3d283ff0144c231a905afa75a06db0'>
>>> tx.source(86)
Source code for trace step 86:
  File "contracts/SafeMath.sol", line 9, in SafeMath.sub:

        c = a + b;
        require(c >= a);
    function sub(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (uint c) {
        require(b <= a);
        c = a - b;
    function mul(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (uint c) {
        c = a * b;

The web3 module contains a slightly modified version of the Web3 class that is used throughout various Brownie modules for RPC communication.


See the Web3 API documentation for detailed information on all the methods and attributes available here. This document only outlines methods that differ from the normal Web3 public interface.


Brownie subclass of Web3. An instance is created at and available for import from the main package.

>>> from brownie import web3

Web3 Methods

classmethod Web3.connect(uri)

Connects to a provider. uri can be the path to a local IPC socket, a websocket address beginning in ws:// or a URL.

>>> web3.connect('')
classmethod Web3.disconnect()

Disconnects from a provider.

>>> web3.disconnect()

Web3 Attributes

classmethod Web3.chain_uri()

Returns a BIP122 blockchain URI for the active chain.

>>> web3.chain_uri
classmethod Web3.genesis_hash()

Returns the hash of the genesis block for the active chain, as a string without a 0x prefix.

>>> web3.genesis_hash

Web3 Internals


Provides access to a Web3 instance connected to the mainnet network as defined in the configuration file. Used internally for ENS and ethPM lookups.

Raises MainnetUndefined if the mainnet network is not defined.

Internal Methods

Used internally for standardizing address inputs. If address is a string containing a . Brownie will attempt to resolve an ENS domain name address. Otherwise, returns the result of brownie.convert.to_address.