Structure of a Project

Every Brownie project includes the following folders:

  • contracts/: Contract sources
  • interfaces/: Interface sources
  • scripts/: Scripts for deployment and interaction
  • tests/: Scripts for testing the project
  • brownie-config.yaml: Configuration file for the project

The following folders are also created, and used internally by Brownie for managing the project. You should not edit or delete files within these folders.

  • build/: Project data such as compiler artifacts and unit test results
  • reports/: JSON report files for use in the GUI

See The Build Folder for more information about Brownie internal project folders.


The contracts folder holds all contract source files for the project. Each time Brownie is run, it checks for new or modified files within this folder. If any are found, they are compiled and included within the project.

Contracts may be written in Solidity (with a .sol extension) or Vyper (with a .vy extension).


The interfaces folder holds interface source files that may be referenced by contract sources, but which are not considered to be primary components of the project. Adding or modifying an interface source onlys triggers a recompile if the interface is required by a contract.

Interfaces may be written in Solidity (.sol) or Vyper (.vy), or supplied as a JSON encoded ABI (.json).


The scripts folder holds Python scripts used for deploying contracts, or to automate common tasks and interactions. These scripts are executed via the brownie run command.

See the Deploying Contracts section for more information on Brownie scripts.


The tests folder holds Python scripts used for testing a project. Brownie uses the pytest framework for unit testing.

See Unit Testing with Pytest for more information on testing a project.


The brownie-config.yaml file holds all the configuration settings for a project. See The Configuration File for more information.