Stateful Testing

Stateful testing is a more advanced method of property-based testing used to test complex systems. In a stateful test you define a number of actions that can be combined together in different ways, and Hypothesis attempts to find a sequence of those actions that results in a failure. This is useful for testing complex contracts or contract-to-contract interactions where there are many possible states.

Brownie utilizes the hypothesis framework to allow for stateful testing.

Much of the content in this section is based on the official website. To learn more about stateful testing, you may wish to read the following articles:


This functionality is still under development and should be considered experimental. Use common sense when evaluating the results, and if you encounter any problems please open an issue on Github.

Rule-based State Machines

A state machine is a class used within stateful testing. It defines the initial test state, a number of actions outlining the structure that the test will execute in, and invariants that should not be violated during execution.


Unlike regular Hypothesis state machines, Brownie state machines should not subclass RuleBasedStateMachine.


At the core of every state machine are one or more rules. Rules are class methods that are very similar to @given based tests; they receive values drawn from strategies and pass them to a user defined test function. The key difference is that where @given based tests run independently, rules can be chained together - a single stateful test run may involve multiple rule invocations, which may interact in various ways.

Any state machine method named rule or beginning with rule_ is treated as a rule.

class StateMachine:

    def rule_one(self):
        # performs a test action

    def rule_two(self):
        # performs another, different test action


There is also a special type of rule known as an initializer. These are rules that are guaranteed to be executed at most one time at the beginning of a run (i.e. before any normal rule is called). They may be called in any order, or not at all, and the order will vary from run to run.

Any state machine method named initialize or beginning with initialize_ is treated as an initializer.

class StateMachine:

    def initialize(self):
        # this method may or may not be called prior to rule_two

    def rule(self):
        # once this method is called, initialize will not be called during the test run


A state machine should contain one or more strategies, in order to provide data to it’s rules.

Strategies must be defined at the class level, typically before the first function. They can be given any name.

Similar to how fixtures work within pytest tests, state machine rules receive strategies by referencing them within their arguments. This is shown in the following example:

class StateMachine:

    st_uint = strategy('uint256')
    st_bytes32 = strategy('bytes32')

    def initialize(self, st_uint):
        # this method draws from the uint256 strategy

    def rule(self, st_uint, st_bytes32):
        # this method draws from both strategies

    def rule_two(self, value="st_uint", othervalue="st_uint"):
        # this method draws from the same strategy twice


Along with rules, a state machine often defines invariants. These are properties that should remain unchanged, regardless of any actions performed by the rules. After each rule is executed, every invariant method is always called to ensure that the test has not failed.

Any state machine method named invariant or beginning with invariant_ is treated as an invariant. Invariants are meant for verifying correctness of state; they cannot receive strategies.

class StateMachine:

    def rule_one(self):

    def rule_two(self):

    def invariant(self):
        # assertions in this method should always pass regardless
        # of actions in both rule_one and rule_two

Setup and Teardown

A state machine may optionally include setup and teardown procedures. Similar to pytest fixtures, setup and teardown methods are available to execute logic on a per-test and per-run basis.

classmethod StateMachine.__init__(cls, *args)

This method is called once, prior to the chain snapshot taken before the first test run. It is run as a class method - changes made to the state machine will persist through every run of the test.

__init__ is the only method that can be used to pass external data into the state machine. In the following example, we use it to pass the accounts fixture, and a deployed instance of a token contract:

class StateMachine:

    def __init__(cls, accounts, token):
        cls.accounts = accounts
        cls.token = token

def test_stateful(Token, accounts, state_machine):
    token = Token.deploy("Test Token", "TST", 18, 1e23, {'from': accounts[0]})

    # state_machine forwards all the arguments to StateMachine.__init__
    state_machine(StateMachine, accounts, token)
classmethod StateMachine.setup(self)

This method is called at the beginning of each test run, immediately after chain is reverted to the snapshot. Changes applied during setup will only have an effect for the upcoming run.

classmethod StateMachine.teardown(self)

This method is called at the end of each successful test run, prior to the chain revert. teardown is not called if the run fails.

classmethod StateMachine.teardown_final(cls)

This method is called after the final test run has completed and the chain has been reverted. teardown_final is called regardless of whether the test passed or failed.

Test Execution Sequence

A Brownie stateful test executes in the following sequence:

  1. The setup phase of all pytest fixtures are executed in their regular order.
  2. If present, the StateMachine.__init__ method is called.
  3. A snapshot of the current chain state is taken.
  4. If present, the StateMachine.setup method is called.
  5. Zero or more StateMachine initialize methods are called, in no particular order.
  6. One or more StateMachine rule methods are called, in no particular order.
  7. After each initialize and rule, every StateMachine invariant method is called.
  8. If present, the StateMachine.teardown method is called.
  9. The chain is reverted to the snapshot taken in step 3.
  10. Steps 4-9 are repeated 50 times, or until the test fails.
  11. If present, the StateMachine.teardown_final method is called.
  12. The teardown phase of all pytest fixtures are executed in their normal order.

Writing Stateful Tests

To write a stateful test:

  1. Create a state machine class.
  2. Create a regular pytest-style test that includes the state_machine fixture.
  3. Within the test, call state_machine with the state machine as the first argument.
brownie.test.stateful.state_machine(state_machine_class, *args, settings=None)

Executes a stateful test.

  • state_machine_class: A state machine class to be used in the test. Be sure to pass the class itself, not an instance of the class.
  • *args: Any arguments given here will be passed to the state machine’s __init__ method.
  • settings: An optional dict of Hypothesis settings that will replace the defaults for this test only.

This method is available as a pytest fixture state_machine.

Basic Example

As a basic example, we will create a state machine to test the following Vyper Depositer contract. This is very simple contract with two functions and a public mapping. Anyone can deposit ether for another account using the deposit_for method, or withdraw deposited ether using withdraw_from.

deposited: public(HashMap[address, uint256])

def deposit_for(_receiver: address) -> bool:
    self.deposited[_receiver] += msg.value
    return True

def withdraw_from(_value: uint256) -> bool:
    assert self.deposited[msg.sender] >= _value, "Insufficient balance"
    self.deposited[msg.sender] = _value
    send(msg.sender, _value)
    return True

If you looked closely you may have noticed a major issue in the contract code. If not, don’t worry! We’re going to find it using our test.

Here is a state machine and test function we can use to test the contract.

import brownie
from brownie.test import strategy

class StateMachine:

    value = strategy('uint256', max_value="1 ether")
    address = strategy('address')

    def __init__(cls, accounts, Depositer):
        # deploy the contract at the start of the test
        cls.accounts = accounts
        cls.contract = Depositer.deploy({'from': accounts[0]})

    def setup(self):
        # zero the deposit amounts at the start of each test run
        self.deposits = {i: 0 for i in self.accounts}

    def rule_deposit(self, address, value):
        # make a deposit and adjust the local record
        self.contract.deposit_for(address, {'from': self.accounts[0], 'value': value})
        self.deposits[address] += value

    def rule_withdraw(self, address, value):
        if self.deposits[address] >= value:
            # make a withdrawal and adjust the local record
            self.contract.withdraw_from(value, {'from': address})
            self.deposits[address] -= value
            # attempting to withdraw beyond your balance should revert
            with brownie.reverts("Insufficient balance"):
                self.contract.withdraw_from(value, {'from': address})

    def invariant(self):
        # compare the contract deposit amounts with the local record
        for address, amount in self.deposits.items():
            assert self.contract.deposited(address) == amount

def test_stateful(Depositer, accounts, state_machine):
    state_machine(StateMachine, accounts, Depositer)

When this test is executed, it will call rule_deposit and rule_withdraw using random data from the given strategies until it encounters a state which violates one of the assertions. If this happens, it repeats the test in an attempt to find the shortest path and smallest data set possible that reproduces the error. Finally it saves the failing conditions to be used in future tests, and then delivers the following output:

    def invariant(self):
        for address, amount in self.deposits.items():
>           assert self.contract.deposited(address) == amount
E           AssertionError: assert 0 == 1

Falsifying example:
state = BrownieStateMachine()
state.rule_deposit(address=<Account '0x33A4622B82D4c04a53e170c638B944ce27cffce3'>, value=1)
state.rule_withdraw(address=<Account '0x33A4622B82D4c04a53e170c638B944ce27cffce3'>, value=0)

From this we can see the sequence of calls leading up to the error, and that the failed assertion is that self.contract.deposited(address) is zero, when we expected it to be one. We can infer that the contract is incorrectly adjusting balances within the withdraw function. Looking at that function:

def withdraw_from(_value: uint256) -> bool:
    assert self.deposited[msg.sender] >= _value, "Insufficient balance"
    self.deposited[msg.sender] = _value
    send(msg.sender, _value)
    return True

On line 12, rather than subtracting _value, the balance is being set to _value. We found the bug!

More Examples

Here are some links to repositories that make use of stateful testing. If you have a project that you would like included here, feel free to edit this document and open a pull request, or let us know about it on Gitter.

Running Stateful Tests

By default, stateful tests are included when you run your test suite. There is no special action required to invoke them.

You can choose to exclude stateful tests, or to only run stateful tests, with the --stateful flag. This can be useful to split the test suite when setting up continuous integration.

To only run stateful tests:

$ brownie test --stateful true

To skip stateful tests:

$ brownie test --stateful false

When a stateful test is active the console shows a spinner that rotates each time a run of the test has finished. If the color changes from yellow to red, it means the test has failed and hypothesis is now searching for the shortest path to the failure.