Convert API

The convert package contains methods and classes for representing and converting data.


The main module contains methods for data conversion. Methods within this module can all be imported directly from the convert package.

brownie.convert.to_uint(value, type_str="uint256")

Converts a value to an unsigned integer. This is equivalent to calling Wei and then applying checks for over/underflows.

brownie.convert.to_int(value, type_str="int256")

Converts a value to a signed integer. This is equivalent to calling Wei and then applying checks for over/underflows.


Converts a value to a decimal fixed point and applies bounds according to Vyper’s decimal type.


Converts a value to a boolean. Raises ValueError if the given value does not match a value in (True, False, 0, 1).


Converts a value to a checksummed address. Raises ValueError if value cannot be converted.

brownie.convert.to_bytes(value, type_str="bytes32")

Converts a value to bytes. value can be given as bytes, a hex string, or an integer.

Raises OverflowError if the length of the converted value exceeds that specified by type_str.

Pads left with 00 if the length of the converted value is less than that specified by type_str.

>>> from brownie.convert import to_bytes
>>> to_bytes('0xff','bytes')
>>> to_bytes('0xff','bytes16')

Converts a value to a string.


The datatypes module contains subclasses that Brownie uses to assist with conversion and comparison.


class brownie.convert.datatypes.EthAddress(value)

String subclass for address comparisons. Raises a TypeError when compared to a non-address.

Addresses returned from a contract call or as part of an event log are given in this type.

>>> from brownie.convert import EthAddress
>>> e = EthAddress("0x0035424f91fd33084466f402d5d97f05f8e3b4af")
>>> e == "0x3506424F91fD33084466F402d5D97f05F8e3b4AF"
>>> e == "0x0035424F91fD33084466F402d5D97f05F8e3b4AF"
>>> e == "0x35424F91fD33084466F402d5D97f05F8e3b4AF"
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<console>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: Invalid type for comparison: '0x35424F91fD33084466F402d5D97f05F8e3b4AF' is not a valid address

>>> e == "potato"
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<console>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: Invalid type for comparison: 'potato' is not a valid address

>>> type(e)
<class 'brownie.convert.EthAddress'>


class brownie.convert.datatypes.Fixed(value)

decimal.Decimal subclass that allows comparisons, addition and subtraction against strings, integers and Wei.

Fixed is used for inputs and outputs to Vyper contracts that use the decimal type.

Attempting comparisons or arithmetic against a float raises a TypeError.

>>> from brownie import Fixed
>>> Fixed(1)
>>> Fixed(3.1337)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<console>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: Cannot convert float to decimal - use a string instead

>>> Fixed("3.1337")
>>> Fixed("12.49 gwei")
>>> Fixed("-1.23") == -1.2300
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<console>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: Cannot compare to floating point - use a string instead

>>> Fixed("-1.23") == "-1.2300"


class brownie.convert.datatypes.HexString(value, type_)

Bytes subclass for hexstring comparisons. Raises TypeError if compared to a non-hexstring. Evaluates True for hex strings with the same value but differing leading zeros or capitalization.

All bytes values returned from a contract call or as part of an event log are given in this type.

>>> from brownie.convert import HexString
>>> h = HexString("0x00abcd", "bytes2")
>>> h == "0xabcd"
>>> h == "0x0000aBcD"
>>> h == "potato"
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<console>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: Invalid type for comparison: 'potato' is not a valid hex string


class brownie.convert.datatypes.ReturnValue

Tuple subclass with limited dict-like functionality. Used for iterable return values from contract calls or event logs.

>>> result = issuer.getCountry(784)
>>> result
(1, (0, 0, 0, 0), (100, 0, 0, 0))
>>> result[2]
(100, 0, 0, 0)
>>> result.dict()
    '_count': (0, 0, 0, 0),
    '_limit': (100, 0, 0, 0),
    '_minRating': 1
>>> result['_minRating']

When checking equality, ReturnValue objects ignore the type of container compared against. Tuples and lists will both return True so long as they contain the same values.

>>> result = issuer.getCountry(784)
>>> result
(1, (0, 0, 0, 0), (100, 0, 0, 0))
>>> result == (1, (0, 0, 0, 0), (100, 0, 0, 0))
>>> result == [1, [0, 0, 0, 0], [100, 0, 0, 0]]
classmethod ReturnValue.dict()

Returns a dict of the named values within the object.

classmethod ReturnValue.items()

Returns a set-like object providing a view on the object’s named items.

classmethod ReturnValue.keys()

Returns a set-like object providing a view on the object’s keys.


class brownie.convert.datatypes.Wei(value)

Integer subclass that converts a value to wei (the smallest unit of Ether, equivalent to 10-18 Ether) and allows comparisons, addition and subtraction using the same conversion.

Wei is useful for strings where you specify the unit, for large floats given in scientific notation, or where a direct conversion to int would cause inaccuracy from floating point errors.

Whenever a Brownie method takes an input referring to an amount of ether, the given value is converted to Wei. Balances and uint/int values returned in contract calls and events are given in Wei.

>>> from brownie import Wei
>>> Wei("1 ether")
>>> Wei("12.49 gwei")
>>> Wei("0.029 shannon")
>>> Wei(8.38e32)
>>> Wei(1e18) == "1 ether"
>>> Wei("1 ether") < "2 ether"
>>> Wei("1 ether") - "0.75 ether"


The normalize module contains methods used to convert multiple values based on a contract ABI specification. Values are formatted via calls to the methods outlined under type conversions, and type classes are applied where appropriate.

normalize.format_input(abi, inputs)

Formats inputs based on a contract method ABI.

  • abi: A contract method ABI as a dict.
  • inputs: List or tuple of values to format. Each value is converted using one of the methods outlined in brownie.convert.main.

Returns a list of values formatted for use by ContractTx or ContractCall.

>>> from brownie.convert.normalize import format_input
>>> abi = {'constant': False, 'inputs': [{'name': '_to', 'type': 'address'}, {'name': '_value', 'type': 'uint256'}], 'name': 'transfer', 'outputs': [{'name': '', 'type': 'bool'}], 'payable': False, 'stateMutability': 'nonpayable', 'type': 'function'}
>>> format_input(abi, ["0xB8c77482e45F1F44dE1745F52C74426C631bDD52","1 ether"])
('0xB8c77482e45F1F44dE1745F52C74426C631bDD52', 1000000000000000000)
normalize.format_output(abi, outputs)

Standardizes outputs from a contract call based on the contract’s ABI.

  • abi: A contract method ABI as a dict.
  • outputs: List or tuple of values to format.

Returns a ReturnValue container where each value has been formatted using the one of the methods outlined in brownie.convert.main.

This method is used internally by ContractCall to ensure that contract output formats remain consistent, regardless of the RPC client being used.

>>> from brownie.convert.normalize import format_output
>>> abi = {'constant': True, 'inputs': [], 'name': 'name', 'outputs': [{'name': '', 'type': 'string'}], 'payable': False, 'stateMutability': 'view', 'type': 'function'}
>>> format_output(abi, ["0x5465737420546f6b656e"])
('Test Token',)

Standardizes outputs from an event fired by a contract.

  • event: Decoded event data as given by the decode_event or decode_trace methods of the eth-event package.

The given event data is mutated in-place and returned. If an event topic is indexed, the type is changed to bytes32 and " (indexed)" is appended to the name.


The utils module contains helper methods used by other methods within the convert package.


Given an integer type string, returns the lower and upper bound for that data type.

utils.get_type_strings(abi_params, substitutions)

Converts a list of parameters from an ABI into a list of type strings.